Sunday Times today reported that the china students have been "stealing top spots" from the local students.
So drive them out! If you can't beat them, get them out!
Some kid talked about how china people have allowed him to win the bronze medal, claiming that he might have won the silver or the gold if they were not there.
>_> As if the world out there don't have any china people in major tournments.
"When foreign students take top places in schools, eventually they would also take away jobs from our kids." --Tam Chiew Hong (I wonder if the name is made up...)
Yeah...and the world out there has ensure places for your children.
Such myopic thinking of morons. Competition is good, but why stress the children to their limit? Tuition...tuition...extra excercises..just to "keep up". I don't see China students taking 12312 tuition classes. Problem would probably be in the fact that they can work smart (and oh, parents have complained that due to the china people competition, their children have less time to play....AS IF YOU GIVE THEM THAT TIME!), and not working hours to finish exercise books after exercise books, going to school shit tired the next day and falling asleep in class.

Anyway, to continue with the Gundam of the (whatever) is Pride by High and Mighty Colour, Gundam Seed Destiny Second Opening theme!
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